I enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day. It started in the morning with a visit to Temple Square to see the beautiful flower gardens and to hear the Tabernacle Choir broadcast. What a privilege that is to hear them in person. We enjoyed sitting behind the various dignitary guests and watching their reactions to the music. One of the guests was David McCullough, author of John Adams, Truman and other books. He is a 2 time Pullitzer prize winner and he spoke at the UofU graduation exercises. In his honor, after the broadcast the choir and orchestra did the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was AWESOME. The man in front of us was sobbing. It was so touching. What a wonderful missionary Temple Square is--with the music and the beautiful flowers. Our hearts were so touched.
Later that afternoon all the kids and their families came to Tam and Rob's backyard for a shish-kabob/salad/potato dinner. Earlier in the week, many of them with Jon and Kori's help redid our flower garden in the side front yard. It is so pretty now and I am thrilled. Then Bob and Wendy gave us a photo album of pictures from our homecoming which I will include here. The others gave me a whole new summer outfit--shoes, levi capris and tops. They are trying to help me become more stylish. It was so nice of them and I liked the clothes.
We are so enjoying being home with all the family. They are all so good to us.