Bob's sister, Joyce's lovely home in Tucson |
Bob and I decided to reconnect with Bob's half-sisters and brothers in Tucson since our temple is closed for winter cleaning. So we took off and spent the first night in American Fork with Jeff, Natalie and kids. We really enjoyed that. Natalie broke her foot and so Erin and Kate joined us and helped us clean so that Natalie doesn't have so much to do when she is back on her feet! Then we went to St George where we stayed with Rich and Allison Luekenga, our nephew and wife and kids. Rich fitted Bob with hearing aids--so nice. Then on to Phoenix with Ross Jr and Heidi Luekenga, another nephew and his family. We had a good visit with them and left the next morning for Tucson to stay with Joyce, Bob's sister.
Bob with Joyce and Judy, his sisters and Judy's husband, David Vega |
Bob's youngest half-brother, Mike and his wife, Vicky |
Joyce and Connie at the Desert Museum in Tucson. Man with Barn Owl |
Hawk taking off |
Hawk coming in for a landing |
Perfect landing |
Bonnie Bird, Connie and Bob |
Bob and the Birds at the entrance to Phantom theater at the Venetian |
Bob and I left Tucson and spent a couple days in Las Vegas with Don and Bonnie Bird, with whom we taught English in mainland China. The weather was nice and warm during the day and we walked and walked and walked!
The staging was outstanding. Note all the wax figures in the Opera box seating. The production was excellent . We listened to a time share presentation from Wyndham and got free tickets to see Phantom and a free breakfast. |
We crossed the new bridge that overlooks Hoover Dam on our way to and from AZ. |
Bob didn't like driving on the bridge but you couldn't see anything from the car so we stopped at the viewing area. |
The huge structure that holds up the bridge is something else! |
Hoover Dam holds back Lake Mead. We have fished and played on that lake with Dwayne and Teddie Watson. They have a huge ranch now outside of Panguitch, Utah. So we drove from Vegas to their ranch and spent the night. Then we came home to a foot of snow. We had a great trip. Enjoyed family, friends, food and warm weather. |