This is the mission home in Johannesburg
The hotel room in Lusaka, Zambia
We always stay in such nice places
I'm sorry that I didn't have time for a bath in this wonderful tub.
The church in Lusaka
Africa looks the same everywhere outside of cities
The Chinese built Zambia a soccer stadium. They are buying up everything.
The Matero property with Pres. Padovich, Pres.Lumbama and Pres. Kumalo
We flew to Ndola on a small turbo prop. You can see the town below as we flew quite low.
We are with Sister Kamo from the Marshall Islands. It was so good to catch up on all the news of the Majuro people.
It is quite green and lush during the wet season--but so dry and dirty otherwise.
The buildings are in need of upkeep and repair.
The duplex where Harveys and the sister missionaries live.