Monday, July 29, 2013

Sister's enrichment

Thoba taught us how to wear Dukas on our heads.  But white peoples hair is too slippery to hold them on.  Mine gave me a headache.  The blacks' hair is like Velcro and they wear all kinds of head scarves.
First row L-R-Thoba, Karen Belliston, Sister Reynolds, Marie, Leigh Ann Bowman, Pam Larsen
Back L-R-Eilene Kraczek, Midge Nielsen, Connie Rose, Barbara Knudsen, Debra King, Leslie Peterson

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Our Orange Farm trio who sang at the MTC open house.  Sister Basso taking the photo, Brenda's daughter in front.

Our chapel newly painted and cleaned during 2 week school holiday

The nice note left to the branch by the teacher

Amy, CeCe, Tam, Lolly, Erin, Kate and Reeve at the fireside where the golfers spoke.

Lunch with the Bellistons, our former neighbors who now serve in the Area Office

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The bridge that Bob wouldn't cross, but I did.

Victoria Falls in the mist.  So beautiful.