Sunday, May 26, 2013

Samaritan Purses

Church had so many in attendance today that they had to take all the children out and put them into another room for Sacrament meeting.  

The reason it doubled in size was because they received gifts from Samaritan Purses.  It is a humanitarian organization from USA and Canada that assembles shoe-box size boxes full of socks, toys, books and treats for children in Africa.  
Word must have spread in advance because we had 95 children and normally only 45 come and we had more adults, youth, etc who had brought their children/siblings.  

The Primary President was so worried that the kids would be so hard to manage.  She had them for 3 hours, but they listened so attentively.  Then they gave out the boxes.  She said they got a better gift than just the box.  

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